Tuesday, February 10, 2015

About deadline

   I'm in between being a deadline meter . Although I have never missed one, I struggle most of the time to meet it. This is not due to the fact that I'm lazy , but is due to my busy schedule. Beside school, I work and have a family. But this should not be an excuse ,because being on time is a quality , which is very important for our studies ,and will be determinant for our carriers.Thats why this semester I decided to take some action in order to improve my relationship with deadlines. First ,I dropped some days in my work schedule so that I will be able to concentrate more time on my studies. Then I set up an academic calendar in which I put all important deadlines ,and I fixed myself the goal to get any work done 2 days before the actual deadline.


  1. I agree that it is difficult Juggling academic responsibilities and personal life and I think that some of the methods that you use to stick to deadlines will help me as well because I share some of the same issues as you do with this. Good point on the need to prioritize your work schedule around academics.

  2. I agreed with you, having family and work shoul not be an excuse of meeting a deadline. Therefore, setting up a calendar and setting a goal to get anywork done are a very good alternative to be able to meet the deadlines. I think that if we follow your stragedy our time management would improve.
